TRAUMA LLAMA TACTICAL MAX PACK. Featuring Maxpedition FRP pouch.The FRP First Response Pouch is an updated interpretation of the traditional blow-out medical pouch. It has an interior paracord adjuster used to set the angle of opening for the main compartment. The inside is equipped with elastic straps and pockets for organizing first aid essentials. The FRP comes with two (2) matching TacTie® PJC5™ Polymer Joining Clips for modular attachment to any AGR or Legacy pack.
Kit Contents:
2- Tourniquets (Choose Brand)
1- Pair of Gloves
1- NAR Trauma Shears
1- Twin pack compact Hyfin Chest Seal
1- NAR 6" Flat ETD (emergency trauma dressing) (pressure dressing)
1- NAR 4" Flat ETD (emergency trauma dressing) (pressure dressing)
1- Mini roll of duct tape
1- Emergency Blanket
ADVANCED KIT: 1- Quick Clot Hemostatic Dressing (3" x 4yds)
1- NAR Compressed Gauze (4.5" x 4.1 yds)
BASIC KIT: 1- NAR Compressed Gauze (4.5" x 4.1 yds)
1- NAR Wound Packing Gauze (3" x 5 yds)